Tue 21 Jan
💟 💟 💟💟💟 💟$100speci———bj———nocov— HOTBODY ———🌹——— Asian ————◆———— sweet———🌹——— INCALL —— 💟 💟 - 22
(7av 51st, Brooklyn)
24-7… YOUR NEW ADDICTION … £atina Bombshell ---718-673-1704 •°√ no games %100 reaL - 23
(Brooklyn, Brooklyn/Hotel smith & 9 ave iN call)
**************19 year old female************** looking for a **************good man ************** - 19
(Brooklyn, brooklyn brooklyn, ny)
100 hh! Kimalee !! ♣ ♡♥ ★★ 70 SPECIALS♥♥ ♡♡ 7-9pm !!♥♥ ♥♥ ☆☆ KIMALEE NoW!! - 25
(Brooklyn, bushwick.stuyprivate . independentincall)
1ÕÕ % RÅL OpEn HeRe ------ >>>>>> HOT!!! HOT!!! HOT!!! Miss Danni - 23
(Brooklyn, Brooklyn Incalls Only)
____ 1 CALL AWAY °o ♥ o° & RADY 2 PLAY°o ♥ o° §PCiAL§ AVAiLABLE____ - 22
(Brooklyn, (×°× §uN§ ♛ PaRK ×°×))
100% Sicilian, 100% Freak, 100% real. & 100% ready to please! - 25
(Brooklyn, Brooklyn, coney island & queens)
====💆💆💆Sensual massage 💆💆💆 Exotic Busty Beauty ====☎️ available now .. I COME 2 you 💋 - 25
(Brooklyn, park slope/bayridge/downtown/YOURPLACE)
Seeking White 18-35 YO Females For Adult Film Sessions - 32
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester, Manhattan / Fairfield / Westchester)
💰💰LOOKIN WORK 💰💰 Start your 💥NEW YEAR 💥with new friends 9178176025 HOUSE OF DOLLZ - 25
(Brooklyn, Brooklyn/ Private Residence)
Tue 07 Jan
100% LaTiNa ... Th!cK & BusTy .... Car FuN ... HaBlO EsPanOl ... 50/100/140 - 24
(Brooklyn, new lots & Cleveland junction incalls, Queens, Ridgewood)
Mon 06 Jan
Full Figured L⃒a⃒d⃒y⃒b⃒o⃒y⃒ with that Supa Mouth And A⃒S⃒S⃒ F⃒O⃒R⃒ D⃒A⃒Y⃒S⃒ - 24
(Brooklyn, East New York/ linden Blvd/ Flatbush)
******* 2 GORGEOUS Girls******** Perfect 10's - 22
(Astoria, Babylon, Bronx, Brooklyn, Downtown, East Side, Glen Cove, Huntington, Islip, Long Beach, Long Island, Manhattan, Midtown East, Midtown West, New Jersey, North Hempstead, Queens, Staten Island)
Sun 05 Jan
Sat 04 Jan
Eviction Notices are officially out... Make a quick $450-$700/day webcamming (great for single moms) - 40
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester)
Fri 03 Jan
2 👭 Is Way Better Than One With Amber And Keisha - 23
(Brooklyn, Park Slope/ Crown Heights/ Flatbush)
$100!!! ⛔💢⛔💢⛔ SuP€R Fr€AK¥ + SuP€R FuN ⛔💢⛔ F!NG€R L!CKiNG GooD ⛔💢⛔ ☞Exotic B€AUTY ☞SoFT Bo0Ty #9293509889 ⛔💢⛔💢⛔ - 20
(24/7 BROOKLYN BEST INCALL 🌆◼🌆◼🌆◼🌆◼🌆◼🌆, Brooklyn)
$$120$$ hour specials. asian mixed sexy female that wants to have some fun. satisfaction guarenteed! - 21
(Brooklyn, brooklyn && queens outcalls)
❤❤❤100% REAL AMAZING SEXY MODELs from Ukraine ❤❤❤@@@. - 23
(Brooklyn, Brooklyn /Bensonhurst/ Bay Parkway)
(($1OO SPECIAL )) oOo* __ E R O T I C & R E A D Y__ *oOo Flatbush__ Ave In///Out*oOo - 20
(Brooklyn, Flatbush Ave Incall/Outcall)
Thu 02 Jan